Monday 13 February 2012

Day 218 4/2/12 First day in Peru

We woke up early today not sure of what time it was. It turn to be 3 am so we had a lie in until 7 then had a great breakfast .Real Peruvian food at last.
‘Green Soup’ which has lots of herbs and spaghetti. Michael was away from us with Rocio’s mum most of the time. He took to both her and Rocio’s sister Sonia straight away, immediately trusting them completely
Here he is with Rocio´s dad

and with mum

Mum learning to use a technical british baby sling

In the house we went up to the roof to take in the view of Lima. Never a pretty place I’m afraid but it was really good to be up there looking out a t a city built in a desert.
Afterwards we all went to the local market where Rocio played tourist and bob had his first taste of chica morada a sweet drink made of maize. Mum used the advanced baby sling for the first time instead of the traditional manta. She liked it but kept feeling that Mike was about to fall. Strange co s it looks so much safer to me than just a piece of cloth.
While in the market buying stuff Nephew Jean, sister Sonia and brother in law Neri suddenly came to find us. There was another great meeting like in the airport and little Jean, now not so little carried Rocio on his back.
After lunch we went to swim in the sea, in the pacific to be exact. This was exhilarating a great fun, like surfing without a board. Michael didn’t go in as it’s not too clean a beach and with far too rough waves. Rocio and I swam together sometimes submerged by the big waves.

Back in the house we spent the evening partying with Michael charming and sleeping alternatively and Bob learnt how to open beer Peruvian style without an opener.
And so we went to bed quite early getting ready to be up at 5 to be in the car on the way Huancayo at 6 as it’s important to get an early start out of Lima before the traffic jams,

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