Tuesday 24 January 2012

Day 201 17/1/12 Bought the tickets

This morning we bought our tickets fro going to Peru. This was a long long process of course. HOurs on the interbnet checking different search engines and webdites of airlines, different options of airports and dates etc. It takes so long but you can save hundreds of ppunds by searching about. ANyway in the end we bought tickets for 3rd Feb from Heathrow London via Madrid Spain to Lima......Peru !
Later we had a knock on the door and a parcel to sign for, Rocio's British passport. Just when we had filled in teh ticket information using her Peruvian one but who cares?
Now both Rocio and Michael have both passports and it only remains to renew mine and we will be all set.

I hope Michael enjoys the journey because he is not always a happy traveller. Here he is in the car seat.

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