Saturday 21 January 2012

Day 196 12/1/12 Crawl baby crawl !

It's always the same I know. I really want Michael to learn things and I get too anxious about it. Michael is having a great time every day in his baby walker. He potters about the house grabbing things and sucking on them. He loves to be in the kitchen watching the washing machine and he loves to run across the living room to bother my feet. But he's not making much progress at crawling. He is great a t rolling about on the floor but he absolutely refuses to put his feet or even his knees on the floor to help him get around. So he hasn't found out yet how he can use his strong little legs to get around. I worry that because he gets about so well in the walker he won't bother to crawl. You can try to force him into crawling position on the floor but he won't stay, as soon as you let him go he arches his back and springs back into he normal belly down position.

He does love his inflatable 'learn to crawl' toy but he mostly likes to lie on his back and bite it.

As usual I don't know what is normal, I have no idea at what age babies start crawling so it may well be that he's on schedule and I'm expecting too much. At worst he'll never crawl and will go straight to holding on to furniture and walking. That would be fine.

Thursday is volunteer day. Rocio Michael and Mandy went shopping and bought iced buns. Michael is still recovering from his cold and diodn't really enjoy himself but he did like the buns by the time I got home there were none left.


  1. He might not crawl, not all children do. Children all develop at their own pace. Being inquisitive is the greatest incentive to mobility. Hes a fantastic little chappie xx


  2. Russell, he's 100% normal and 100% 'on target' developmentally and you'll soon be telling him to 'sit down and shut up!' I promise! We've all see those little legs in action...........there's no physical problem, but he's just like you, will do it when he's ready!

    Auntie sharron


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