Tuesday 20 December 2011

Day 171 18/12/11 Shopping again

Michael had a huge breakfast today. He is still getting through he boiled veg Rocio made for him and froze in little pots. He has had bits and pieces of it before but never very much at a time. Today he was desperate to eat it and was grabbing the spoon and dragging it to his mouth not giving me time to get any food on it. He had the whole little pot with hardly time to take a breath and looked very disappointed when it was all gone. He finished off with a good feed of Mummy's milk too.

we went to buy Rocio's surprise Christmas present today. This involved going around lots of electrical shops and trying the iPod docks. Michael was really at his charming best and made friends with lots of passes by. One woman on a check out said she saw Rocio coming into the shop with Michael on her back and thought it was a doll.
We had our traditional posh coffees and Michael made more friends. He's often having a conversation with the people behind if he's on Rocio's back and we're not paying attention.

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