Wednesday 14 December 2011

Day 160 7/12/11 Garibaldi

We have been calling our baby Garibaldi for a while now. It's just one of his nick names he has many (He often gets Gary or Garibaldi or Oscar or Monkey Creature or others) It was after a favourite Scifi character Michael Garibaldi so we called our boy Michael Gary Hairy or Gary Hairy for short but now he does seem to be going a bit bald.

He has patches along the sides of his head andat the back which no longer have his thick dark hair but rather this thinner short hair. He looks well and there is no sign of any rash or anything on his head. Obviously as it's along the sides of his head it's not to do with how he has his head when he lies down.

I did a bit of research on the interweb and found lots of mentions of mixed race babies starting life with one type of hair and loosing it at around Michael's age and having another type and colour of hair from then on. I hope it's nor like that becaue I love Michael's strong black hair.

1 comment:

  1. he'll still be cute no matter what - auntie sharron


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