Friday 2 December 2011

Day 151 28/11/11 Marrow

We didn't take Michael to his peek-a-boo group today as he still has a bit of a cold. It doesn't seem to bother him at all except he can't feed so well. He seems to choke on the milk quite often and he snores at night. It must mean he can't breath well. He has still got a bit of a snotty nose but there is no way he will let me pick it for him !

Rocio's Mum recommended us to give him marrow as his first food and after a bit of searching we found one yesterday and Rocio cooked it today. She served it up into lots of little plastic containers and froze most of them. I gave Michael some sitting on my lap. He really enjoyed it I think. He was very excited about the spoon and kept grabbing it and making the whole thing much more difficult. It was very hard to get the spoon to his mouth without him interfering and if I gave him the spoon the marrow would fall off. We worked out int he end that if I held the spoon Michael could pull my hand towards him when he wanted the food and that way it all worked out well. It was still very messy and he still spat a lot of it out and probably only swallowed a few tea spoons worth but he enjoyed it and ate some so that's a success.

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