Friday 2 December 2011

Day 149 26/11/11 Cold and cakes

Michael has a cold. He probably doesn't know he has a cold but he is not his usual self at all. He's never had a cold before just the little illnesses he had after having immunisations. He's got a snotty nose and he snores when he's sleeping and he's just not as bouncy as we are used to.
We went into town today to do our regular Saturday wandering about shopping and we did get a few things done but Michael didn't want to be in the pushchair he wanted carrying all the time and even then he wasn't having any fun. We did go to a cafe in the market and Michael shared our toasted tea cakes. He was very very keen on holding the bits of cake we gave him and managed to get quite a bit into his mouth for sucking on too. He is definitely ready for a little bit of solid food.

Still in general he wasn't having ab good time and we felt a bit sorry for him and went home earlier than usual.

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